Front End
The #31668 floating steering posts are used on the steering bell cranks and attached to the chassis. The #31657 servo mount brace is separated from the post to get more flex in that area. When using the short #31668 post, there is no need to cut the brace except to improve looks. #31671 FT 4mm wheel hexes are used at the front for a more aggressive feel and more steering into the turn. #91591 FT Ti Screws and #91580 FT Ti Screws are used to lighten the car. The #31639 belt tensioner is used to help with the front belt expanding under acceleration/brake and to keep the car as smooth as possible.
Rear End
#91591 FT Ti Screws and #91580 FT Ti Screws are used on the vehicle instead of the steel screws to help with weight and still have good durability. A scratch mark is placed in the center of the rear chassis' edge to help find the center when time comes to tweak the car.
Body, Wing, and Tires
Body is a Protoform® LTC-R lightweight version, mounted 5mm forward from center of the front wheel to help give all the steering the LTC-R can offer. A stock Protoform® wing is mounted 3mm forward to help with rotation on small indoor tracks. Tires are handout Sweep Racing USA QTS32 tires; wear is really good and very well balanced for the conditions we run on. With the new black CRC (Calandra Racing Concepts, Inc.) carpet, gluing the front sidewall is a must, so the front tires were glued to 59.5mm when measured with a caliper.