Keven Hebert's TC7.1
TC7.1 chassis, top view

Front End
The #31668 floating steering posts are used on the steering bell cranks and attached to the chassis. The #31657 servo mount brace is separated from the post to get more flex in that area. When using the short #31668 post, there is no need to cut the brace except to improve looks. #31671 FT 4mm wheel hexes are used at the front for a more aggressive feel and more steering into the turn. #91591 FT Ti Screws and #91580 FT Ti Screws are used to lighten the car. The #31639 belt tensioner is used to help with the front belt expanding under acceleration/brake and to keep the car as smooth as possible.

Front End

Rear End
#91591 FT Ti Screws and #91580 FT Ti Screws are used on the vehicle instead of the steel screws to help with weight and still have good durability. A scratch mark is placed in the center of the rear chassis' edge to help find the center when time comes to tweak the car.

Rear End
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Rear View
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Inside Front End

Inside Front End
#6588 black grease is used on the DCV joint at the front and also inside the spool cup on the pins for a smoother feel and much better wear. All hinge pins and ball studs are polished for smoother suspension movement. #1596 FT Locking Adhesive is used on all steering assembly parts for safety. A very small drop applied with a flathead screwdriver of #1597 FT Tire Adhesive is applied on each of the clips of the DCV to ensure they stay in place. Only two screws attach the front top plate to give more flex and give the car more steering and a more predictable feel. The top plate is also slotted in front of the belt tensioner.

Inside Rear End

Inside Rear End
#6588 black grease is used on the CVDs as well as the CVD blades in the diff outdrives to help with wear and give a smoother feel. only Two screws attach the top plate to the bulkhead in the race to give more flex. The top plate is also slotted where the motor mount standoff is to allow the rear to have more flex in that area to help the car rotate.

TC7.1 side view

Body, Wing, and Tires
Body is a Protoform® LTC-R lightweight version, mounted 5mm forward from center of the front wheel to help give all the steering the LTC-R can offer. A stock Protoform® wing is mounted 3mm forward to help with rotation on small indoor tracks. Tires are handout Sweep Racing USA QTS32 tires; wear is really good and very well balanced for the conditions we run on. With the new black CRC (Calandra Racing Concepts, Inc.) carpet, gluing the front sidewall is a must, so the front tires were glued to 59.5mm when measured with a caliper.

Click on the targets to learn more about the components.

Keven uses the Reedy #27004 Blackbox 510R ESC for smooth power delivery and the Reedy #265 5.0 motor for a smooth, consistent and powerful power package. #27301 Reedy Zappers batteries keep the weight low and give consistent power through the run. The #27108 Reedy RS0806 servo is used to keep a fast and consistent steering feel on the TC7.1.

Closing vehicle shot